Saturday, March 8, 2008

Charlie wins the Pinewood Derby

Today we held the annual Pinewood Derby for Pack 22. After an exciting race, Charlie won for the entire Den and Pack. The Pinewood derby is a delicate balance between the scout and the father (generally). The balance between the child learning and what they are capable of accomplishing needs to be honored. The competitive nature of the event can also bring out a lot of Dad interference (no news here....).

Anyway, we have a great organizer for our Pinewood Derby, in Dr. Sam Maynard, who helps with test track setup, great advice for all participants (and dads). We work hard to keep the competitive element to a minimum.

Since he is in 2nd grade, I had him design the car layout. I cut the wood with the bandsaw. He painted and we put the wheels on together. I will leave it to you to judge whether we had a good balance or not.

With that said, though, I am happy with Charlie's win.

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