Saturday, May 31, 2008

A Great Summer Day

Summer is finally here. Today is a great day. We started with baseball games, to finish the KYS season. A loss for the Mets and we are in the lower bracket for the tournament next week.

Following the games, a little light yard work, refurbishing the pond, with new fish, a new filter and new plants. Colleen got to pick and name a new fish, classically called "Goldie" (very original).

The kids spent two hours at the pool and Dad got a two hour afternoon nap. The pool was newly cold, which won't last. Two weeks from now, the water will move from cool to tepid to bathwater warm by August. The nap was a classic warm, laying in the sun, in-and-out sleep, with the radio lightly going with classical music.

We grilled hamburgers and hotdogs for dinner, with fresh corn on the grill. A great dinner for a great day. The simple satisfaction of a day restfully spent. The night closed with flashlight tag with the neighborhood kids in pack, while we eagerly await the fireflies.

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