Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Are you a good steward?

I was asked this question yesterday and it had a profound effect on my thoughts for the last 24 hours. "Are you a good steward?" In both a religious and secular sense, this question brings quick clarity. A steward is a person who controls assets and makes decisions for those things which do not belong to him. Your goal as a steward is to continually improve those assets which are entrusted to you. The status quo is not acceptable for a true and good steward.

"Are you a good steward?" This question strikes quickly to any issue facing where a person spends their time. "Are you a good steward?" Am I spending my time as I should, with my work, home and family life? Am I giving guidance to my children? Am I doing all that I should to help my work colleagues? Is my attitude correct in all relationships? There are a host of questions which are generated when this question is applied.

Are you a good steward? I am still working to answer this question.

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