Friday, April 25, 2008

Traffic Circle Suggestions for Knoxville

I have written in the past about traffic circles. I have two additional intersections which would benefit from traffic circles, where traffic needs to kept moving and in general is low to moderate pace of traffic. The first is at the intersection of Gleason and Gallaher View. This intersection is usually low traffic, but backs up tremendously during rush hour and on Saturday mornings. The shape of the intersection is also odd, which could rectified or fit into the traffic circle design.

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The second intersection which could benefit from a traffic circle is the intersection Cross Park Drive and Park Village Drive in the Cedar Bluff area. Traffic backs up during early morning and late morning rush hour.

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Both these intersections are four way stops and suffer from the "Stop Sign Menace", where you have drivers who are too impatient to wait their turn and double-pull into the intersection and suffer from drivers who do not monitor whose turn is is to go through the four way stop. A traffic circle is the best option for these intersections.

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